Cutting through election noise
Newsbeat - The Final Debate

Design direction and identity for the final 2017 General Election debate, hosted live on BBC One. The brief required a distinctive look which could stand out amongst the noise of other outlets and reach out to engage with a younger demographic.

The look and feel of the debate was designed to be distinctive from other outlets with a strong youth slant. My approach of bold colour and simple illustrations meant the overall design output was striking, sophisticated and edgy.

BBC Newsbeat - The Final Debate - Opening Titles

Whilst wanting to differentiate from the core BBC feel, the brief stated the need to link in some way to the pan BBC election branding. After some experimentation, the use of a hexagon outline was a nod to that, in keeping with the outlined newsbeat style.

BBC Newsbeat - The Final Debate - Name Super

BBC Newsbeat - The Final Debate - Closing Titles